Losing a horse can be a devastating experience for any equestrian or horse lover. Horses are more than just pets or animals – they are often considered treasured members of the family. When a horse passes away, it can bring about intense grief and a deep sense of loss. Saying goodbye to a pet friend can be an emotionally charged event, filled with warm memories. These final goodbye horse death quote ideas can help provide comfort and solace. They can serve as a heartwarming reminder of the unique bond shared between a horseman and their horse.
20 Horse Death Quotes to Say Goodbye
1. “A horse gallops with his lungs, perseveres with his heart, and wins with his character.” – Tesio
This horse loss quote is a tribute to the perseverance and character of horses. It speaks to their strength, power, and courage, all of which make equines so admired by humans.
2. “You may have left my arms, but you will never leave my heart.” – Author Unknown
This is a reflection of the strong emotional bonds that can develop between horses and their owners. While the horse may no longer be physically present, their love will continue to live on in the owner’s heart.
3. “A horse is the projection of people’s dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.” – Pam Brown
This sad horse quote highlights the unique relationship between humans and horses. Horses often represent our own desires and aspirations. Spending time with our companions can be a form of escape from the challenges and routines of daily life.
4. “Saying goodbye is the most painful way of solving a problem.” – Author Unknown
Saying goodbye is never easy, particularly when it comes to a beloved animal like a horse. The process of accepting that a pet has passed away and moving on can be incredibly painful. But it is an unavoidable part of the grieving process.

5. “Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.” – Author Unknown
This horse death quote recognizes the emotional connection that can develop between horses and their owners. Even if an equine was only in its owner’s life for a short period of time, the bond that was formed would continue to be cherished.
6. “Goodbyes are only for those who love with their eyes. Because for those who love with heart and soul, there is no such thing as separation.” – Rumi
This emotional equine quote suggests that even though the physical presence of a horse may be gone, the emotional connection will continue to exist.
7. “The hooves of horses! Oh, witching and sweet is the music earth steals from the iron-shod feet. No whisper of lover, no trilling of bird, can stir me as hooves of horses have stirred.” – Will H. Ogilvie
This horse quote is a tribute to the beauty and power of equines, and the emotional impact that they can have on human beings. It speaks to the unique sound of a horse’s hooves as they move across the ground, This sound can be both comforting and stirring to those who love them.
8. “May you run free in green pastures with a blue sky above you and a soft wind blowing your mane.” – Author Unknown
It conjures images of idyllic natural landscapes and the sense of tranquility that can be found in nature.
9. “In our hands is the power to choose how we let our loved ones go, with fear and trepidation or with peace and love.” – Author Unknown
This equine quote speaks to the importance of making peace with the loss of a beloved companion. Each individual chooses how they approach the grieving process.

10. “I know in my heart that you are now galloping free in green fields, where the sun always shines and the grass is always sweet.” – Author Unknown
Imagining the horse running free in a peaceful setting is a way of healing process. Think about the horse is no longer burdened by the trials and tribulations of life. Instead, it’s enjoying the freedom of a peaceful existence.
11. “There is no better place to heal a broken heart than on the back of a horse.” – Missy Lyons
This dead horse quote recognizes the uniquely therapeutic benefits of spending time with equines. The bond between a human and a horse can be a source of healing and comfort during difficult times, such as the loss of a horse.
12. “A thousand horse and none to ride! – With flowing tail, and flying mane, wide nostrils never stretched by pain, mouths bloodless to the bit or rein, and feet that iron never shod, and flanks unscarred by spur or rod, a thousand horse, the wild, the free, like waves that follow o’er the sea, came thickly thundering on, recklessly galloping over the plains.” – Emily Bronte
It conjures images of vast herds of wild horses, running free across the open plains. The quote serves as a reminder of the beauty and wonder of these incredible animals.
13. “I’ll lend you, for a little time, a child of mine,” He said. “For you to love the while he lives, and mourn for when he’s dead. It may be six or seven years, or twenty-two or three, but will you, till I call him back, take care of him for me? He’ll bring his charms to gladden you, and should his stay be brief, you’ll have his lovely memories as solace for your grief.” – Edgar Guest
This emotional equine quote is a reflection on the preciousness of life and the momentary nature of our time with loved ones. It recognizes the emotional pain of losing a horse, but also the joy that the equine brought during their time together.
14. “Your horse is your mirror to your soul, and sometimes you may not like what you see. Sometimes, you will.” – Buck Brannaman
Horses can serve as a reflection of their owner’s inner selves. Spending time with equines can be a transformative experience. The horse can serve as a guide to understanding one’s own thoughts and feelings.
15. “Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears, but laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you…I loved you so – ’twas heaven here with you.” – Isla Paschal Richardson
This horse quote is a message from a beloved pet to its owner. The beloved companion asks not to grieve but to celebrate their life and the memories they shared together. It is a message of comfort and hope, suggesting that the horse is still with their owner in spirit.
16. “The love for a horse is just as complicated as the love for another human being…if you never love a horse, you will never understand.” – Author Unknown
The love between a horse and a human is just as deep and meaningful as any other form of human love. Those who have not experienced it for themselves may struggle to fully understand.

17. “There are some things you can’t share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is the last thing that builds friendships.” – J.K. Rowling
This quote, from J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” may seem unrelated to the topic of horse death. But it speaks to the way in which shared experiences can create strong bonds between individuals. In the case of losing a horse, the shared experience of mourning can bring horse owners and lovers together. This creates a community of support and understanding.
18. “A horse is the projection of people’s dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.” – Pam Brown
This horse goodbye quote speaks to the way in which equines can inspire us and help us to transcend the limits of our everyday lives. It recognizes the powerful symbolism that horses can represent for us. These fascinating animals can serve as a source of hope, beauty, and inspiration.
19. “The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.” – Sharon Ralls Lemon
There are unique qualities of horses that make them such special and beloved creatures. Spending time with equines can bring us into contact with qualities that are all too rare in our everyday lives. These may include grace, beauty, spirit, and fire.
20. “If you want to know me, look into my horse’s eyes. They will never lie.” – Author Unknown
By looking into a horse’s eyes, one can gain insight into the character and soul of its owner. Thus, horses can serve as a powerful and revealing mirror for our true selves.
Through shared experiences of loss, horse lovers can come together to create a community of support and understanding. We understand how important it is to celebrate the unique qualities that make horses such beloved creatures. As the 20 final goodbye horse death quotes above illustrate, equines can represent a source of hope, inspiration, and transcendence. The legacies of beloved companions can live on through the stories, artwork, and tributes that we create in their honor.