There’s a range of horse breeds suitable for barrel racing including the Thoroughbred, the Appaloosa, and the Quarter Horse. Each of the breeds has its distinguishing features that make them the best horse for barrel racing.
Before you get a new companion, we recommend getting all ins and outs about the most popular horse breeds for this Western activity. Here, we include detailed characteristics of equines that you may consider as the barrel racing horse.
1. The Quarter Horse
The Quarter Horse is deemed as the topping horse for barrel racing. And no wonder, as the horse breed claims its significant features. The Quarter Horse is one of the oldest horse breeds that was developed in the USA. They are commonly used as racing horses for short distances as animals exhibit excellent performance. The horse has Thoroughbred ancestors in its blood having inherited its paramount traits.
Horse Breed Overview

- Conformation: The horse has a small refined head, the forehead is wide, the profile is straight. The body is well-muscled, the chest is broad, the hindquarters are rounded.
- Height: 56-64 inches (14-16 hands).
- Weight: 950-1200 pounds (430-540 kg).
- Life expectancy: 25 years.
- Speed: up to 55 mph.
- Colors: Сould be a wide range of coat colors but the most typical are red, chestnut, brown, bay, and black.
- The breed is loved for its gentle walk and smooth gaits.
- It’s a great racehorse as well as good for horse shows, English and Western riding events, and as a draft horse.
- Average price: $10,000.
- Versatile breed
- Friendly temperament
- Easy to train
- Chronic lameness is common
- Prone to periodic paralysis
2. The Thoroughbred
The Thoroughbred breed is a favorite among equestrian lovers. It is known for its great mixture of gracefulness and fast speed. That’s why it is usually used for horse racing, jumping, and eventing. Being developed in England, this breed is greatly popular all over the world, particularly in the USA.
Horse Breed Overview

- Conformation: It has a well-chiseled head, a long elegant neck. The body is short and slim with a deep broad chest, the coat is smooth. The limbs are long, lean but strong.
- Height: 64 inches (16 hands).
- Weight: 1000 pounds (450 kg).
- Life expectancy: 25-28 years.
- Speed: 35 mph.
- Colors: The most common colors are bay, chestnut, gray, and black.
- The breed is well-known for its courage, speed, and athleticism.
- It is typically used for showing, dressage, and racing.
- Average price: $10,000.
- A people-oriented breed
- Energetic nature
- Perfect for racing
- Not for beginners
- Not easy to handle
3. The Appaloosa
The Appaloosa is a favorite of many equestrians because of its stunning coat pattern. This breed is extremely popular in the USA, especially in Western events with cattle involves. Thus, the breed is also known as a stock horse. However, you may also face the Appaloosa horse in a variety of English events as well.
A wide array of body types may be found as the equine has been crossbred with a range of other horse breeds like the American Quarter Horse, and the Arabian Horse. Other features are striped hooves, mottled coat, and white sclera.
Horse Breed Overview

- Conformation: The horse has a muscular body, alert ears, and a long neck. The spotted coat pattern catches the eye right away. The skin is mottled, the hooves are striped.
- Height: 56-64 inches (14-16 hands).
- Weight: 950-1250 pounds (430-570 kg).
- Life expectancy: 30 years.
- Speed: 30 mph.
- Colors: The coat includes the basic color and the spotted skin. The common base colors are bay, chestnut, gray, black, and dun. The spots are usually darker than the base color.
- The breed is valued highly because of the horse intelligence. Besides, they are quite friendly and can be ridden by kids with no worries.
- The Appaloosa can be seen in English and Western activities and barrel racing is not an exception. The horse can be used for endurance and trail riding.
- Average price: $6,000.
- Good for beginners
- Awesome color pattern
- Quick-witted
- Prone to uveitis
- Night blindness is common
4. The American Paint Horse
The Paint Horse is called like that as its coat is a mix of pinto spotting and dark patches. The equine was crossbred with the American Quarter Horse. This resulted in inheriting the distinguished muscular body and wide chest. The breed features a great sense of balance, hence it’s the best horse for barrel racing. Speaking of the color patterns, the typical Paint Horse has a set of dark and light spots on the coat.
Horse Breed Overview

- Conformation: The horse has a strong muscular body, alert ears, and long neck. The coat has huge patches all over the body. The low gravity centers make them good at balancing.
- Height: 56-60 inches (14-15 hands).
- Weight: 950-1200 pounds (430-540 kg).
- Life expectancy: 30 years.
- Speed: up to 60 mph.
- Colors: The common pattern is a white base with black, bay, or chestnut spots. The color patterns have their specific names like tobiano, overo, and solid.
- The horse is extremely beautiful and graceful. Besides, these creatures are friendly and easy-going.
- The breed is commonly used in Western pleasure, barrel racing as well as English show jumping.
- Average price: $6,000.
- Calm and friendly
- Outstanding color pattern
- Good for all riders
- Prone to the lethal white syndrome
- Periodic paralysis is common
5. The Arabian
The Arabian Horse or Arab is one of the oldest breeds that is spread all over the world nowadays. It is well-known for its great stamina, intelligence, beauty, and loyalty. That’s why these light horses were used to improve features like durability, endurance, and speed of other breeds. Due to its fascinating features, it is claimed as a great versatile breed for amateur and expert riding sessions, equestrian competitions, and selection.
Horse Breed Overview

- Conformation: It has a small head with wide nostrils, big expressive eyes, and little ears. The neck is long and arched. The back is short but strong and massive. The limbs are long and strong with solid hooves.
- Height: 60 inches (15 hands).
- Weight: 800-1000 pounds (350-450 kg).
- Life expectancy: 25-30 years.
- Speed: 35 mph.
- Colors: The most common colors are grey, chestnut, bay, and black. The breed is highly desired for its smooth and elegant gaits, each move is neat and coherent.
- The breed is highly desired for its smooth and elegant gaits, each move is neat and coherent.
- The Arabian Horse is typically used for showing, riding, and racing.
- Average price: $10,000.
- Extremely durable and fast
- A versatile breed
- Intelligent and easy to learn
- Not good for beginners
- Very sensitive
6. The Grade Horse

What is a Grade horse? The Grade horse is an equine that has an unknown bloodline and was bred by mixed breeding. Such animals may appear in the case of unexpected or accidental breeding where the parents are not clear. A grade horse may partially have known breeding but the entire pedigree is off the records.
The grade horse can be of any color and have a range of distinguished features. The temperament may be unpredictable due to unknown ancestors who partook in the breeding. Choosing a grade horse may give you an excellent companion to take part in equestrian sports. If the event doesn’t require a specific horse breed, you’re welcome to join the game with a non-purebred pal.
Barrel racing is a fascinating equestrian activity to be considered. It requires both you and your horse to be precise and determined. Thus, choosing the best horse for barrel racing plays a vital role here. Look through all the horse breeds presented to pick the ideal partner. All of these equines are great options with startling features.