Are Horses Omnivores or Herbivores?

Horses have played a paramount role in human history and agriculture for centuries. However, ongoing scientific research has sparked a discussion regarding whether equines are exclusively herbivorous or if they might exhibit certain omnivorous tendencies. This article explores the horse’s diet, examining their anatomy, evolutionary history, and horse’s digestive system. So, Are Horses Omnivores or … Read more

Can Horses Eat Zucchini and Its Leaves?

Equines are herbivorous animals, meaning they primarily consume plants as their source of nutrition. While they are known to eat a variety of different types of vegetation, such as grasses, hay, and grains, the question of whether or not horses can eat zucchini is not a straightforward one. So, can horses eat zucchini? Horses can … Read more

Best Hay to Feed Your Horse

Hay is an integral part of horse feeding. Apart from grass, equines consume hay on a daily basis. Green pastures are not available all year round. Feeding horses with hay ensures your animals get enough food per day. Proper feeding affects the digestive system and overall well-being. Thus, every horse owner must know how to … Read more